Your Snap uses React with Redux state management as well as a Ruby on Rails backend application using PostgreSQL for it's database.
A potiental client can sign up and select both a specific photographer as well as a time and date. Clients can delete and review previously made appointments.
A clinet can also view a photographer's biography to better decide which one is better suited for them. A combination of everything I have learned from
my time at Flatiron School.
A React application using PostgreSQL where a user can create a profile and leave commments on a specific player.
A user can also see a players stats(wins, year, ect) as well as a pie chart that
colorfully displays the amount of wins a player had.
With this React app and the use of an API, you can search for a city
and it would return the temperature as well as transition its background photo.
A proof of concept that I know core concepts of the framework React. For a better view of the demo, view as a phone!
This React app uses an API where I manipulate the data to
search for the specific movie entered in the search. By clicking on the specifc movie, a small pop-up appears containing more detail about the specific movie.
Employee Managment Application
Having completed Woz-U's program, I decided to put into practice what I have learned. This is a simple CRUD application with a search operation that incorporates both Springboot and Angular.
A short video of me practicing how to use Mapbox GL and how it is similar to React just with different data manipulation.
New projects are underway!!